Синдром sinus tarsi что это

Синдром sinus tarsi что это thumbnail

Written By: Chloe Wilson — BSc(Hons) Physiotherapy
Reviewed By: FPE Medical Review Board

Sinus Tarsi Syndrome usually develops following an ankle sprain or due to repetitive strain from running or walking on a flat foot. 

Also known as Sinus Tarsitis, it causes persistent pain and tenderness over the outside of the ankle due to inflammation.  

When treated early, recovery from sinus tarsi syndrome is quite quick but without appropriate, early intervention it can lead to chronic pain. Accurate diagnosis is often missed. nyone with persistent pain and instability, particularly if they have previously sprained their ankle, should be thoroughly assessed for this condition.

Here we will look at what the sinus tarsi is, what causes sinus tarsi syndrome, the symptoms of the condition, how it is diagnosed and the best treatment options. 

What Is The Sinus Tarsi?

The sinus tarsi is a small cylindrical cavity found on the outside part of the hindfoot.  It sits between the talus and calcaneus (heel bone), an area known as the subtalar joint. 

A number of ligaments, blood vessels and nerves pass through the sinus tarsi.  It plays an important role in balance and proprioception. Inflammation around this region or injury of any of the surrounding ligaments results in Sinus Tarsi Syndrome.

What Causes Sinus Tarsi Syndrome?

Sinus tarsi syndrome is rare condition, usually caused by instability of the subtalar
joint in the ankle. The two most common causes of this are ankle sprains and altered
foot biomechanics:

  • Abnormal Foot Biomechanics: People with over-pronated or flat feet are more likely to suffer from sinus tarsitis.  

    The altered foot position increases the pressure on the sinus tarsi region

  • Ankle Sprains: Instability of the subtalar joint is a common problem following an ankle sprain. 

    Sinus Tarsi Syndrome may develop after a single sprain or after repeated injuries. This instability causes excessive movement at the subtalar joint which can lead to inflammation (known as synovitis) and the formation of scar tissue in the sinus tarsi canal. 

Some other activities that can cause sinus tarsi syndrome from repetitive actions include:

  • Ballet: due to foot positions
  • Sitting: with your feet tucked underneath you
  • Baseball/Softball Pitchers: due to the position of the trailing foot

Common Sinus Tarsi Symptoms

The most common sinus tarsi symptoms are:

  • Pain: tends to be localized to the sinus tarsi area and feels deep inside.  Gets worse with prolonged activities such as walking or running and eases with rest
  • Instability: especially when exercising on uneven ground or slopes,
    when jumping or quickly changing direction
  • Stiffness: the ankle may feel stiff first thing in the morning and then improve as you get moving around and loosen up
  • Tenderness to Touch: around the outside and front of the ankle
  • Pain with Ankle Movements: especially inversion (turning the sole of the foot inwards) and plantarflexion (pointing the foot down)

Symptoms of sinus tarsi syndrome tend to come on gradually over time.  If you have injured the ankle, the symptoms of the initial injury tend to never fully settle, so even though the injured ligament heals properly, you are left with pain due to the resultant irritation of the sinus tarsi area.  

Sinus tarsi syndrome is most common between the ages of 10 and 30. 

Diagnosing Sinus Tarsi Syndrome

An MRI scan is the best way to see what is going on in the sinus tarsi
structures. It will show
any inflammation and fibrosis in the area.

Another common diagnostic tool is to inject the sinus tarsi region with local anaesthetic and corticosteroids.  Cessation of symptoms (i.e. they go away) indicates a positive diagnosis of sinus tarsi syndrome.  The effects of the injection are usually short lived and further treatment will be required. 

If symptoms fail to settle after an injection, the problem is unlikely to be sinus tarsitis.

Treatment & Prognosis

When diagnosed early, a full recovery can be made in just a few weeks.  However, if the problem is not addressed in the early stages, or if a rehab programme is not adhered to, sinus tarsi pain can become a chronic problem taking months to settle down.  Treatment for sinus tarsi syndrome usually consists of the following:


This is essential.  Any activities which triggers the sinus tarsi pain needs to be avoided to allow time for the tissues to heal.  This may require the use of crutches and or an ankle brace in the short term.  The most common cause of prolonged pain from sinus tarsi syndrome is failure to rest for aggravating activities.


Your doctor may prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatories which help to reduce pain and inflammation.  Always consult your doctor before taking any medication.

Regular Ice

Applying ice regularly helps to reduce pain and inflammation.  Ice massage is particularly useful here as it closely targets the sinus tarsi region.  Visit the Ice Treatment section to find out how to use ice safely and effectively.


Regular physiotherapy helps to address the cause of sinus tarsitis, be it hypermobility of the subtalar joint or altered foot biomechanics which in turn reduces the symptoms.  It may include:

  • Joint Mobilisations: to address any areas of stiffness around the ankle,
  • Taping: to limit movement of the subtalar joint and reduce the amount of pronation by supporting the medial longitudinal arch of the foot,
  • Ultrasound: to reduce inflammation
  • Rehab: exercises to strengthen and stretch the area (see below)


Supportive footwear to restrict excessive rear foot movement rather than open backed shoes can be helpful.  If you have abnormal foot biomechanics such as flat feet, you might also be recommended to try orthotics such as shoe inserts to correct this.


These should only be started once the pain has settled.  It is fine to exercise the other muscles of the leg, but ankle exercises should be avoided until they are pain free. 

Once the symptoms have settled down, you can start gradual stretching exercises, particularly concentrating on calf stretches, and strengthening exercises for the calf, ankle and foot muscles.

Stability Training

To make a full recovery, balance and proprioception training is vital to prevent any instability around the subtalar joint.

Graded Return to Activity

Once symptoms have subsided, you can gradually return to your usual activities.  It is important to pace yourself and not try to do too much too soon, or you may flare the condition up again.

Читайте также:  Абстинентный синдром при алкоголизме стадия


Whilst rarely necessary, if the symptoms of sinus tarsi syndrome fail to settle using these methods, surgery is required.  This may be to remove any chronic synovitis (inflammation) and scar tissue, reconstruction of the ligaments or arthrodesis – fusion of the subtalar joint.

What Else Could It Be?

Sinus Tarsi Syndrome is rare and there are a number of other causes of pain on the outside of the ankle/foot region.  For more help working out what is wrong, visit the Side Foot Pain diagnosis section or if your symptoms are more widespread, the foot pain diagnosis overview.

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  5. Sinus Tarsi Syndrome

Page Last Updated: 2019-06-19
Next Review Due: 2021-06-19


Синдром пазухи предплюсны — это относительно разнородная группа заболеваний, проявляющихся болевым синдромом в проекции пазухи предплюсны, расположенной в области подтаранного сустава. Точные причины его до конца не изучены. Он может быть проявлением минимальной нестабильности, разрыва связок, артрофиброза, кисты или дегенеративного поражения подтаранного сустава. Использование современных диагностических методик, например, МРТ и артроскопии, позволяет врачу в каждом конкретном случае более точно установить источник жалоб.

Описанный впервые Denis O’Connor в 1958 году, синдром пазухи предплюсны — это нечетко очерченный круг состояний, характеризующихся болевым синдромом в наружном отделе голеностопного сустава и в области пазухи предплюсны.

Где находится подтаранный сустава и пазуха предплюсны?


Подтаранный сустав расположен между пяточной и таранной костью. Он образован двумя отделами — передним (таранно-пяточно-ладьевидным) и задним (таранно-пяточным), которые разделены пазухой предплюсны (sinus tarsi), содержащей жировую клетчатку и сосуды.

Причины развития синдрома пазухи?


Ученые установили, что при этом состоянии происходят значительные рубцовые или дегенеративные изменения мягких тканей наполняющих пазуху предплюсны. Изменения нервных окончаний и рецепторов в ткани связок, расположенных в пазухе и канале предплюсны, позволяют предположить, что повреждение нервов и связанная с этим утрата проприоцептивной чувствительности также может быть фактором, способствующим развитию этого состояния.

Другими предполагаемыми причинами развития синдрома являются повреждение короткого сгибателя пальцев, ганглионарные кисты и посттравматический фиброз. Вне зависимости от причины заболевания, во время операции у большинства пациентов обнаруживаются значительные изменения в пазухе предплюсны.

Симптомы и диагностика синдрома пазухи предплюсны


Основной жалобой пациентов является боль в области наружного отдела голеностопного сустава и заднего отдела стопы, нередко связанная с перенесенной ранее травмой. Значимая нестабильность, как правило, отсутствует, может обнаруживаться в той или иной мере выраженный отек. Обязательным для постановки диагноза симптомом является локальная болезненность в области пазухи предплюсны.

Роль МРТ в диагностике этого состояния является основополагающей.

Лечение синдрома пазухи предплюсны


Консервативное лечение

Важным моментом диагностики и лечения синдрома пазухи предплюсны является локальное введение местных анестетиков и кортизона. Если такая инъекция не приносит хотя бы временного улучшения, диагноз должен вызвать сомнение. У некоторых пациентов 1-3 таких инъекции позволяет добиться полного исчезновения симптоматики. Если после временного периода облегчения болевой синдром рецидивирует, рекомендуется хирургическое лечение.

Хирургическое лечение

Операция заключается по большей части в ревизии и удалению содержимого пазухи предплюсны.

В настоящее время в качестве метода диагностики и лечения синдрома пазухи предплюсны все большую популярность приобретает артроскопия подтаранного сустава. Основной задачей вмешательства является иссечение расположенной в пазухе предплюсны жировой подушки.

Дебридмент, хондропластика, удаление свободных тел, декомпрессия ганглионарных кист в области подтаранного сустава — это далеко не полный перечень вмешательств, которые можно выполнить артроскопически.

При артроскопическом методе лечения синдрома пазухи предплюсны в 92% можно получить хорошие и отличные результаты лечения.

Больше информации о синдроме пазухи предплюсны.



Видео о нашей клинике травматологии и ортопедии



Первичная консультация врача травматолога-ортопеда, к.м.н. — 1500 рублей

  • Изучение истории заболевания и жалоб пациента
  • Клинический осмотр
  • Выявление симптомов заболевания
  • Изучение и интерпретация результатов МРТ, КТ и рентгенограм, а также анализов крови
  • Установление диагноза
  • Назначение лечения

Повторная консультация врача травматолога — ортопеда, к.м.н. — бесплатно

  • Анализ результатов исследований, назначенных во время первичной консультации
  • Постановка диагноза
  • Назначение лечения

Внутри- и околосуставное введение, «блокады» глюкокортикоидами (без стоимости препарата) — 1000 рублей

  • Местная анестезия
  • Локальное введение расствора глюкокортикоида (Дипроспан)

PRP-терапия, плазмолифтинг при заболевания и травмах голеностопного сустава — 4000 рублей (одна инъекция)

  • Консультация специалиста, к.м.н.
  • Взятие крови
  • Приготовление обогащенной тромбоцитами плазмы в специальной пробирке
  • Введение обогащенной тромбоцитами плазмы в пораженную область

Артроскопическое лечение синдрома пазухи предплюсны — 39500 рублей

  • Пребывание в клинике (стационар)
  • Анестезия (эпидуральная)
  • Артроскопическая операция на голеностопном суставе и пахзухе предплюсны
  • Расходные материалы

* Анализы для операции в стоимость не входят

Прием врача травматолога — ортопеда, к.м.н. после операции — бесплатно

  • Клинический осмотр после операции
  • Просмотр и интерпретация результатов рентгенограмм, МРТ, КТ после операции
  • Рекомендации по дальнейшему восстановлению и реабилитации
  • Внутрисуставное введение препарата гиалуроновой кислоты (при необходимости)
  • Перевязка, снятие послеоперационных швов


Sinus tarsi syndrome: Introduction

Sinus tarsi syndrome: The sinus tarsi is a small osseous canal which runs into the ankle under the talus bone. The sinus tarsi has a lot of synovial fluid / tissue which becomes inflamed.
See detailed information below for a list of 5
causes of Sinus tarsi syndrome
, Symptom Checker, including diseases and drug side effect causes.

» Review Causes of Sinus tarsi syndrome:
Causes | Symptom Checker »

Causes of Sinus tarsi syndrome:

The following medical conditions are some of the possible
causes of Sinus tarsi syndrome.
There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor
about your symptoms.

  • Overuse injury
  • Over pronation
  • Poor foot biomechanics
  • Gout
  • Osteoarthritis
  • more causes…»

See full list of 5
causes of Sinus tarsi syndrome

» Review Causes of Sinus tarsi syndrome:
Causes | Symptom Checker »

Common Causes of Sinus tarsi syndrome

  • Overuse injury
  • Over pronation
  • Poor foot biomechanics
  • more common causes…»

Causes of Types of Sinus tarsi syndrome:

Review causes of more specific types of Sinus tarsi syndrome:

  • Sudden onset of Sinus tarsi syndrome (5 causes)
  • more types…»

See full list of 1
types for Sinus tarsi syndrome

Sinus tarsi syndrome: Symptom Checker

Listed below are some combinations of symptoms associated with Sinus tarsi syndrome, as listed in our database.
Visit the Symptom Checker,
to add and remove symptoms and research your condition.

Symptom Checker

  • Sinus tarsi syndrome: Symptom Checker

Symptom Checker

  • Sinus tarsi syndrome and Acute pain in multiple joints (2 causes)
  • Sinus tarsi syndrome and Ankle pain (2 causes)
  • Sinus tarsi syndrome and Ankle symptoms (2 causes)
  • Sinus tarsi syndrome and Arm symptoms (2 causes)
  • Sinus tarsi syndrome and Arthralgia (2 causes)
  • Sinus tarsi syndrome and Arthralgia in lower limb (2 causes)
  • Sinus tarsi syndrome and Arthralgia similar to that in Inflammatory bowel disease (2 causes)
  • Sinus tarsi syndrome and Arthritic signs (2 causes)
  • Sinus tarsi syndrome and Arthritis-like symptoms (2 causes)
  • Sinus tarsi syndrome and Arthropathies of distal interphalangeal joints (2 causes)
  • Sinus tarsi syndrome and Arthropathies of first metatarsophalangeal joint (2 causes)
  • Sinus tarsi syndrome and Arthropathies of knee (2 causes)
  • Sinus tarsi syndrome and Body symptoms (2 causes)
  • Sinus tarsi syndrome and Bone sensitivity (2 causes)
  • Sinus tarsi syndrome and Bone symptoms (2 causes)
  • Sinus tarsi syndrome and Bony abnormalities (2 causes)
  • Sinus tarsi syndrome and Bursitis (2 causes)
  • Sinus tarsi syndrome and Chronic joint pain related to sports (2 causes)
  • more…»

See full list of 501
Symptom Checkers for Sinus tarsi syndrome

Sinus tarsi syndrome Treatments

Review further information on Sinus tarsi syndrome Treatments.

Sinus tarsi syndrome: Comorbid Symptoms

Some of the comorbid or associated medical symptoms
for Sinus tarsi syndrome may include these symptoms:

  • Acute pain in multiple joints
  • Ankle pain
  • Ankle symptoms
  • Arm symptoms
  • Arthralgia
  • Arthralgia in lower limb
  • Arthralgia similar to that in Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Arthritic signs
  • Arthritis-like symptoms
  • Arthropathies of distal interphalangeal joints
  • more associated symptoms…»

See all associated comorbid symptoms for Sinus tarsi syndrome

Causes of General Symptom Types

Research the causes of these more general types of symptom:

  • Foot symptoms (2265 causes)
  • Infection-related symptoms (1293 causes)
  • Leg symptoms (2751 causes)
  • Limb symptoms (3592 causes)
  • Lower leg symptoms (59 causes)
  • Arm symptoms (1619 causes)
  • more symptoms…»

Research the causes of related medical symptoms such as:

  • Sinus tarsi
  • Sinus
  • Sinus symptoms (292 causes)
  • Sinus disorder
  • Sinus pain (235 causes)
  • more symptoms…»

Causes of Similar Symptoms to Sinus tarsi syndrome

Research the causes of these symptoms that are similar to, or related to, the symptom Sinus tarsi syndrome:

  • Ankle sprain (3 causes)
  • Ankle pain (56 causes)
  • Swelling (3730 causes)
  • Tenderness (18 causes)
  • Talus
  • Calcaneum
  • more symptoms…»

Detailed list of causes of Sinus tarsi syndrome

The list below shows some of the causes of Sinus tarsi syndrome mentioned in various sources:

  • Gout
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Over pronation
  • Overuse injury
  • Poor foot biomechanics
  • more causes…»

See full list of 5
causes of Sinus tarsi syndrome

How Common are these Causes of Sinus tarsi syndrome?

This information refers to the general prevalence and incidence of these diseases,
not to how likely they are to be the actual cause of Sinus tarsi syndrome.
Of the 5
causes of Sinus tarsi syndrome that
we have listed, we have the following prevalence/incidence information:

  • 1
    causes are «very common» diseases

  • causes are «common» diseases
  • 1
    causes are «uncommon» diseases

  • causes are «rare» diseases

  • causes are «very rare» diseases
  • 4
    causes have no prevalence information.

See the analysis of the prevalence of 5
causes of Sinus tarsi syndrome

Conditions listing medical symptoms: Sinus tarsi syndrome:

The following list of conditions
have ‘Sinus tarsi syndrome’ or similar
listed as a symptom in our database.
This computer-generated list may be inaccurate or incomplete.
Always seek prompt professional medical advice about the cause
of any symptom.

Select from the following alphabetical view of conditions which
include a symptom of Sinus tarsi syndrome or choose View All.

Join in at the forums

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free interactive user forums.

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  • What is the best treatment for this?

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Classifications of Sinus tarsi syndrome:

Medical Conditions associated with Sinus tarsi syndrome:

Foot symptoms (2265 causes), Infection-related symptoms (1293 causes), Leg symptoms (2751 causes), Limb symptoms (3592 causes), Lower leg symptoms (59 causes), Arm symptoms (1619 causes)

Symptoms related to Sinus tarsi syndrome:

Ankle sprain (3 causes), Ankle pain (56 causes), Swelling (3730 causes), Tenderness (18 causes), Talus, Calcaneum

Medical articles on signs and symptoms:

Doctor-patient articles related to symptoms and diagnosis:

  • What to tell your doctor about your symptoms
  • What questions will the doctor ask about your symptoms (and why)?
  • What does your doctor do in a physical examination?
  • What questions should you ask the doctor about a symptom or diagnosis?
  • What questions to ask the doctor about the treatment
  • Steps to take to get the most out of a doctor visit
  • More articles on symptoms and diagnosis

These general medical articles may be of interest:

  • Medical Symptom Books
  • Symptoms of the Silent Killer Diseases
  • Online Diagnosis
  • Self Diagnosis Pitfalls
  • Pitfalls of Online Diagnosis

See full list of premium articles on symptoms and diagnosis

Evidence Based Medicine Research for Sinus tarsi syndrome

Medical research papers related to Sinus tarsi syndrome include:

  • Recurrent Ankle Sprains (Overview)
  • A clinical guideline for the use of injection therapy by physiotherapists
  • Foot Problems

Research More Evidence-Based Medicine at TripDatabase.com

More Ways To Research Medical Signs and Symptoms:

  • Symptom Center — over 12,000 symptoms listed
  • Symptom List
  • Symptom Descriptions
  • All Symptoms
  • Diseases Center — find symptom lists for over 20,000 diseases.
  • Books on Medical Diagnosis


What is Sinus Tarsi Syndrome ?

The sinus tarsi is a small bony tube, which inserts into the ankle beneath the talus bone. The sinus tarsi can be injured or damaged due to overuse along with over pronation or bad foot biomechanics.

Sinus Tarsi Syndrome

Causes of Sinus Tarsi Syndrome

Individuals who have had a history of inversion ankle sprain are more prone to injure the sinus tarsi. The diagnosis is confirmed if an anesthetic injection given into the painful sinus tarsi results in relieving pain and restoring normal function.

Symptoms of Sinus Tarsi Syndrome

  • Localized pain anterior to the lateral malleolus (bony part on the external side of the ankle).
  • Weight bearing may cause a feeling of instability.
  • The patient has difficulty walking on uneven surfaces such as gravel and grass.
  • Tenderness is present on the external side of the ankle.
  • Pain on the affected side of the ankle when running on a curve.
  • The subtalar joint suffers from a passive inversion.
  • Pain upon palpating the sinus tarsi region.
  • Increasing pain upon foot inversion and eversion.
  • The diagnosis is confirmed if an anesthetic injection given into the painful sinus tarsi results in relieving pain and restoring normal function.
  • An MRI scan helps in showing any excessive fluid present in the sinus tarsi.
  • Ankle arthroscopy helps in directly evaluating the sinus for any damaged or injured tissue.

Symptoms of Sinus Tarsi Syndrome

Treatment of Sinus Tarsi Syndrome

  • Rest should be taken from aggravating activities.
  • Ice or cold therapy helps in reducing pain and inflammation.
  • NSAID’s or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines such as ibuprofen help in relieving pain and inflammation. Asthmatic patients should not take these medicines.
  • Electrotherapy such as ultrasound helps in reducing inflammation.
  • The subtalar joint should be immobilized.
  • Biomechanical problems should be resolved. Proper foot wear, ankle sleeves should be used.
  • Strengthening exercises should be done for the ankle e.g. proprioception exercises with the use of a wobble board.
  • The calf muscles should be stretched.
  • Patient should undergo physical therapy and rehabilitation.
  • Over pronation can be corrected with the help of orthotics.
  • Severe cases may require oral steroids or steroid injections.
  • Rarely surgery may be required.

Recovery Time For Sinus Tarsi Syndrome And Exercises For Recovery

Recovering from Sinus Tarsi Syndrome can be a tedious task. Once your injury has healed and after appropriate physical therapy most of the people can return to sports within six months although in some cases it may take up to nine months for complete recovery from Sinus Tarsi Syndrome. When it comes to minor cases of Sinus Tarsi Syndrome, it may take anywhere from four to six weeks for complete recovery and returning back to normal activities, but it is essential to complete physical therapy and do it diligently to return back to normal activities without any hassles.

When it comes to exercises for Sinus Tarsi Syndrome, this should be done under the supervision of a physical therapist. This begins with stretching the ankle. Once you can stretch the ankle pain free then you may advance to strengthening exercises. It should be noted here that when doing stretching exercises apart from ankle stretching you should also concentrate on calf stretches as well for best outcomes. Below mentioned are some of the exercises for Sinus Tarsi Syndrome.

Ankle Up/Down Exercise for Sinus Tarsi Syndrome: To do this exercise, lie down on an exercise table and try and move the ankle up and down as far as possible without experiencing any pain and feeling only minimal stretch. Repeat this exercise about 20 times.

Ankle Up/Down Exercise for Sinus Tarsi Syndrome

Ankle In/Out Exercise for Sinus Tarsi Syndrome: Lie down on an exercise table and move the ankle in and out as far as possible without having any pain and feeling just a mild stretch. Repeat this about 20 times provided it is pain free.

Ankle In/Out Exercise for Sinus Tarsi Syndrome

Ankle Circles: To do this exercise, lie on a table and move the foot and ankle in a circle as large as possible without having any pain and feeling on mild stretch. Repeat this about 20 times making sure the exercise is pain free.

Ankle Circles Exercise for Sinus Tarsi Syndrome

Sitting Calf Stretch Exercise: To do this exercise, sit on the floor with the legs stretched straight in front. Place a towel around the ball of the foot and hold the two ends of the towel with the hands. Now, draw the toes and foot upwards and pull it with the towel so as to increase the flexion of the ankle until a strong stretch is felt in the back of the calf. Maintain this position for about 30 seconds and do it for about four times a day.

Sitting Calf Stretch Exercise for Sinus Tarsi Syndrome

Seated Calf Stretch for Sinus Tarsi Syndrome: To do this exercise, sit in a chair with the legs stretched straight out in front. Just like the previous exercise, place a towel around the ball of the foot and hold the two ends of the towel. Now, sit straight up and pull the toes and ankle upwards and pull through the towel increasing the stretch in the back of the calf. Maintain this position for about half-a-minute and do it about three times a day.

Seated Calf Stretch for Sinus Tarsi Syndrome

Standing Gastrocnemius Stretch: In this exercise, stand facing a wall and place the injured leg behind you making sure that the toes are pointing forwards. Standing straight with the knee kept straight move forwards on to the front leg until a stretch is felt in the calf muscle on the leg that is behind you. Maintain this position for about half-a-minute and do it three times a day.

Standing Gastrocnemius Stretch Exercise for Sinus Tarsi Syndrome

Standing Soleus Stretch for Sinus Tarsi Syndrome: To do this exercise, stand straight facing a wall and place the injured leg behind you and ensuring that the toes are pointing forwards bend the back knee slightly and standing straight lean into the wall until a stretch is felt in the calf muscle on the leg that is behind. Maintain this position for about half-a- minute and do it for about three times.

Once you can stretch the calf and the ankles pain free then you can be advanced to strengthening exercises. Below mentioned are some of the strengthening exercises.

Standing Soleus Stretch for Sinus Tarsi Syndrom

Foot Pumps: This form of exercise is quite simple to do and it also strengthens the calf muscles and facilitates improved circulation. To do this exercise, you need to lie on a bed with the legs straight in front of you. Now, point the toes downwards and away from you and pull the foot towards yourself as much as you can. Repeat this motion for about two minutes. In cases of doing this exercise postsurgery, then this needs to be done every two hours.

Foot Pumps Exercise for Sinus Tarsi Syndrome

Seated Calf Raises: This form of exercise increases the flexibility and strength of the calf muscles. In order to do this exercise, you need to sit on a chair with feet flat on the floor and the knees bent perpendicularly. Now, slowly press the toes on the floor while trying to lift the heel up as high as you can. Maintain this position for about 15 seconds and come back to the starting position. This exercise needs to be done about 20 times a day.

Seated Calf Raises for Sinus Tarsi Syndrome

Standing Calf Raises: This exercise is done by exercising the calf against gravity in order to strengthen them. To do this exercise, stand with the feet flat on the ground holding on to a wall for balance. Try and rise up on the tiptoes as high as you can. Maintain this position for about 10 seconds and slowly comes back to starting position. Do three sets of 10 per day.

Standing Calf Raises Exercise for Sinus Tarsi Syndrome

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